Acupuncture and Morning Sickness: A Natural Path to Relief

As a midwife, doula, and acupuncturist, I've dedicated my practice to supporting women through the transformative journey of pregnancy. Today, I want to share how acupuncture—a cornerstone of Chinese medicine—offers a holistic and effective approach to managing morning sickness without the need for Western medications.

Understanding Morning Sickness

Morning sickness, characterized by nausea and vomiting, affects a significant number of pregnant women. While its exact cause is not definitively known, it's believed to be related to the rapid hormonal changes occurring during early pregnancy, specifically the increase in hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and estrogen levels.

The Holistic Promise of Acupuncture

Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese medicine practice, is grounded in the concept of Qi (vital energy) flowing through meridians in the body. Disruptions in this flow cause illness and imbalance. By inserting thin needles into specific points on the body, acupuncture aims to restore the flow of Qi, thereby promoting health and balance.

In the context of pregnancy, acupuncture not only targets symptoms of morning sickness but also offers a holistic approach to wellness, addressing stress, sleep, digestion, and overall physiological health for both mother and baby.

How Acupuncture Eases Morning Sickness

When acupuncture needles are inserted into specific points on the body, it triggers a series of physiological responses, including the release and regulation of various hormones.

Regarding morning sickness, acupuncture points like Neiguan (PC6) on the wrist reduces inflammation and promotes relaxation by reducing levels of cortisol, the stress hormone which alleviate symptoms of morning sickness.

PC6 have been extensively studied to show that it is effective in reducing nausea and vomiting.

Scientific Evidence Supporting Acupuncture

A growing body of research supports the use of acupuncture for morning sickness. A study published in the Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine found that acupuncture significantly reduced nausea and vomiting among pregnant women. Another systematic review in the British Medical Journal concluded that acupuncture is a valuable, non pharmacological tool in managing morning sickness.

Beyond Morning Sickness

Chinese medicine views the body as a holistic system, where physical symptoms are often linked to emotional and mental well-being. Therefore, acupuncture treatment for morning sickness also aims to

  • reduce stress and anxiety

  • improve sleep quality

  • enhance digestion

contributing to an overall sense of wellness during pregnancy.

Acupuncture respects the body's natural ability to heal and maintain balance. By choosing acupuncture, you're not merely addressing morning sickness; you're investing in a comprehensive approach to your health and the health of your baby, fostering an environment where both can thrive.

Why Choose Acupuncture?

  • Natural and Non-Invasive: Acupuncture offers a gentle alternative to medication, minimizing exposure to drugs that may have unwanted side effects.

  • Holistic Care: Beyond treating symptoms, acupuncture aims to restore overall balance and wellness, supporting a healthy pregnancy.

  • Evidence-Based: Supported by scientific research, acupuncture is an effective option for managing morning sickness, validated by both historical practice and modern studies.

Other tips to reduce morning sickness

  1. Vitamin B6 and Ginger/Mint tea:

    Vitamin B6 helps regulate nausea through its influence on neurotransmitters. Studies show its effectiveness in reducing nausea during pregnancy.

    Ginger contains compounds like gingerol, known for anti-nausea properties. It is warming and helps the descending energetic movement of the stomach to ease digestion and nutrients absorption. It's safe and effective for pregnancy-related morning sickness.

    Mint tea If ginger is not your thing, consider a more cooling approach like Mint tea. It is refreshing and reduces nauseas significantly.

    My recommendation: Maternal Balance - Morning Sickness Relief, made of Vit B6, Ginger and Zinc, to support your digestion and your hormonal system.

Frequent Meals:

Eat small and regular meals: it helps maintaining stable blood sugar levels, reducing nausea. An empty stomach often worsens nausea, so frequent meals can alleviate this. You can also chew on Ginger pieces to get the juice and benefits from the anti-nausea properties.

In my practice, I've seen firsthand the transformative effects of acupuncture on morning sickness, helping many expectant mothers find relief and balance. If you're navigating the challenges of morning sickness, go get acupuncture! Together, we can create a nurturing environment for you and your growing baby, embracing the natural and holistic path to health.

Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and acupuncture offers a tailored approach to meet your individual needs. Let's embark on this journey together, ensuring a smooth and balanced pregnancy, guided by the wisdom of Chinese medicine and the natural power of your body to heal.

If morning sickness is impacting your quality of life, or if you're seeking a holistic approach to your pregnancy, reach out to me. Acupuncture might just be the key to unlocking a more comfortable, balanced pregnancy.

Together, we'll craft a health plan uniquely designed to align with your individual constitution, providing you with the most personalized and effective care.

By Eve Daures


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Acupuncture for Pregnancy